By Sheldon Kopp
- This is it!
- There are no hidden meanings.
- You can’t get there from here, and besides there’s no place else to go.
- Nothing lasts!
- There is no way of getting all you want.
- You can’t have anything unless you let go of it.
- You only get to keep what you give away.
- There is no particular reason why you lost out on some things.
- The world is not necessarily just. Being good often does not pay off and there is no compensation for misfortune.
- You have a responsibility to do your best nonetheless.
- It is a random universe to which we bring meaning.
- You don’t really control anything.
- You can’t make anyone love you.
- No one is any stronger or any weaker than anyone else.
- Everyone is, in his own way, vulnerable.
- There are no great men/women.
- If you have a hero, look again; you have diminished yourself in some way.
- All of you is worth something, if you will only own it.
- Childhood is a nightmare.
- But it is so very hard to be an on-your-own, ‘take care of yourself because there is no one else to do it for you’ grown-up.
- Love is not enough, but it sure helps.
- We have only ourselves, and one another. That may not be much, but that’s all there is.
- How strange, that so often, it all seems worth it.
- We are responsible for everything we do.
- No excuses will be accepted.
- You can run, but you can’t hide.
- We must learn the power of living with our helplessness.
- The only victory lies in surrender to oneself.
- You are free to do whatever you like. You need only face the consequences.
- What do you know – for sure – anyway?
- Learn to forgive yourself, again and again
- And again and again.